In 2015, Nikita Buyanov introduced the gaming community to "Escape From Tarkov". This realistic first-person shooter promised an immersive gaming experience in the intense and gritty environment of Tarkov. The project included both the main multiplayer component and the more competitive game "Escape from Tarkov: Arena".
Over the past 8 years, numerous pledges and commitments have been made to the game's buyers. The expectations for Escape From Tarkov are exceptionally high, reflecting the ambitious goals set by Nikita Buyanov and the development team. The community eagerly anticipates the realization of the game's promised features and the unique gameplay it is meant to deliver.
TarkovPromiseTracker is a good faith attempt to catalog public claims and commitments made by Battlestate Games. It is intended to be useful and constructive for both fans and developers. In the absence of similar resources it exists because the need is indeed great.
This is a crowdsourced endeavor. If you spot an inaccuracy, please submit it.
Promise | Actions |
Mechanics: Completed "Capturing Outposts" will receive updates and be removed from Kappa 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Completed "Crouch to sprint": Let the character sprint out of a crouched position Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
General: Broken "there will be no more big features until release" 1 2 3 4 | |
UI: Completed "You left your generator on" warning when you want to close the game Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
General: Broken 2FA / Phone Number verification globally 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Completed Access Labs only with an Access Key Card 1 | |
Traders: Completed Access the trader items in the flea, even before level 15 Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
General: Completed Achievements 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Not Implemented Actually Escape From Tarkov (Endgame Questline) 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Add a high and low ready 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant Add animations for loading bullets into magazines 1 | |
General: Completed Add BattlEye 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed Add Cultists 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented Add defibrillator mechanics 1 | |
Traders: Completed Add Flea Market 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Completed Add grenade case 1 2 | |
Hideout: Completed Add Hideout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | |
Traders: Completed Add lower tier (level <55) clothing at Ragman 1 2 | |
Hideout: Completed Add magazine case craft 1 | |
Maps: Completed Add more interiors to reserve 1 | |
UI: Completed Add Traders, Flea Market, Hideout and Character to the bottom bar Quality Of Life 1 2 3 | |
General: Not Implemented Adding clans and alliances 1 | |
General: Stagnant Adjust and rebalance Flea Market level requirements 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Adjust camera recoil 1 2 | |
Traders: Completed Adjust global limits 1 | |
Sound: Completed Adjust prone sound loudness 1 2 | |
General: Completed Adjust render distance 1 2 3 | |
General: Stagnant AI behaviour improvements 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Ammunition loading interface Quality Of Life 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed Animations for medical supplies, food and other consumables 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Completed Arena will be free for Edge of Darkness owners 1 2 | |
General: Not Implemented Arena will get LAN tournaments 1 | |
General: Completed Arena will wipe when needed (eg. new matchmaking) 1 | |
General: Not Implemented Arena: 3 new gamemodes 1 | |
Maps: Not Implemented Arena: 4 new locations in 2024 1 | |
General: Not Implemented Arena: Ranked and unranked matchmaking with ranking system 1 | |
General: Not Implemented Arena: Unranked matchmaking 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Armored plates for body armor and rework of hitboxes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Ban barter items from secure containers 1 | |
General: Completed Be more transparent with roadmaps 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant Bipods and stabilizing firearms with cover 1 2 | |
General: Stagnant Black Division 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Blind fire (one-handed, two handed) 1 2 | |
Sound: Completed Bosses should each have their own voice lines 1 2 3 4 | |
Maps: Completed BTR on Streets of Tarkov 1 2 3 4 | |
Traders: Completed Buy the maximum items left in a offer bundle Quality Of Life 1 | |
Hideout: Not Implemented Cats and dogs will be added to the hideout 1 2 | |
General: Completed Change voice actors after character creation 1 2 3 | |
Sound: Completed Changes in the AI voiceline playback system, in particular their frequency, volume and positioning 1 2 | |
Sound: Completed Changes in the headset system 1 2 | |
General: Completed Character customization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | |
General: Completed Co-Op Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Combine consumable items Quality Of Life 1 | |
Maps: Stagnant Connect all maps as an open world 1 2 3 4 | |
Hideout: Stagnant Consider making the air filter usable only when PMCs are in raid and implementing a crafting queue system to optimize overnight generator usage for a variety of PMC needs 1 | |
Hideout: Completed Crafting skill that levels up through crafting and unlocks more simultaneous crafting 1 | |
Maps: Completed Customs expansion 1 2 | |
Traders: Completed Daily tasks 1 2 | |
General: Stagnant Develop a new single player game right after the EFT release 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Disable aiming down sights while using NVGs 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Drain hand stamina when using ADS 1 2 | |
General: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness game version owners armband 1 2 | |
General: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will be able to change their name icon and color 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Edge of Darkness owners will be able to replace 2 daily quests per day for free 1 2 3 | |
General: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get a "Nostalgia" questline 1 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get a special quest line to unlock bigger pockets 1 2 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get a unique "legacy" device with call-in mechanics 1 2 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get a unique dogtag 1 2 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get a unique set of clothing 1 2 | |
General: Compromised Edge of Darkness owners will get access to the offline PvE mode for 6 months 1 2 3 | |
Hideout: Completed Edge of Darkness owners will get access to unique hideout crafts 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get faster return of insured items 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Compromised Edge of Darkness owners will get high priority matching for 6 months 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Completed Edge of Darkness owners will get increased charisma skills 1 2 3 | |
Traders: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get increased personal trader buying limits 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented Edge of Darkness owners will get increased PMC karma 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Broken Edge of Darkness will have a unique secure container (3x3 cells) 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Stagnant EFT and Arena accounts will be linked in Q1 2024 1 2 | |
General: Stagnant EFT API 1 2 3 | |
UI: Not Implemented Emissaries and Sherpas will be able to change their name color to EOD 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented Emissaries will get a unique armband 1 | |
General: Not Implemented Enhance modding experience with Trader-Only parts filter Quality Of Life 1 | |
General: Completed EOD features and bonuses remain after EOD is discontinued 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Ergo penalty when camping in a bush 1 2 | |
General: Completed Fight RMT 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Fix detection of hostile and non-hostile scavs as a scav 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Fix raider/boss "laser" instant-kill 1 | |
General: Stagnant Fix sunglasses being visible through fog and bad weather 1 2 | |
General: Completed Fixes for incorrect movement of bots in the prone position 1 2 3 4 5 | |
Items/Attachments: Completed Fixes for visual problems with flashlights, the way they function and the light on weapons; 1 2 3 | |
Sound: Stagnant Fixes incorrect sound and volume of gunshots and explosions at short distances 1 2 | |
Traders: Stagnant Flag suspicious flea market listings 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Completed Foldable weapon stocks 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Completed Force bolt actions in the mosin questline 1 | |
General: Compromised Free access to all subsequent DLC (season pass) 1 2 3 4 5 6 | |
General: Stagnant Free roam mode 1 | |
General: Stagnant Glass shader optimization 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Gore 1 | |
Servers: Stagnant Gradual increase in the number of players and bots in a raid to 60 1 2 | |
Traders: Stagnant Graphical metrics in flea market 1 | |
Maps: Completed Ground Zero will not have a boss 1 | |
Maps: Completed Ground Zero: 2 different Queues - One for players below level 20, and one for player above level 20 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Gunshot hits stuns the player 1 | |
General: Completed HBAO Ambient Occlusion 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Heal other players 1 2 | |
Hideout: Completed Hideout expansion (Hall Of Fame) 1 2 3 4 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Hold flashlights and pistols simultaneously 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Implement a "Comfortability" skill 1 | |
General: Completed Implement AMD FSR 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Completed Implement auto sort feature for the stash Quality Of Life 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Completed Implement barter loot and medicine 1 2 3 | |
Traders: Completed Implement global limits for traders 1 2 | |
Traders: Completed Implement Insurance 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed Implement NVIDIA DLSS 1 2 | |
Traders: Completed Implement Quests and Traders 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Stagnant Implement weapon paints 1 | |
General: Completed Implementing a separate single player/co-op locally saved profile instance or allowing mods as such 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Completed Improve raid load times / matching times 1 2 | |
Servers: Stagnant Improving hit registration 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed In-Game Ammunition stats Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 5 | |
Weapons: Completed In-Raid weapon stripping 1 | |
Servers: Stagnant Increase in accuracy of positioning of players on the server and the client 1 2 3 | |
General: Not Implemented Increase stash by 2 lines for all other editions than EoD and TUE 1 | |
General: Completed Kit presets 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Completed Left shoulder shooting Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 5 | |
Mechanics: Completed Level strength while being overweight 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Stagnant Light source processing optimization 1 | |
Traders: Completed Lightkeeper services 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed Loadout presets 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Completed Local Voice chat / VOIP 1 2 3 4 5 6 | |
Traders: Stagnant Lock specific items on the flea behind flea market reputation 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Lock the position of items in Stash so that they are not affected by autosorting Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented Lockpicking 1 | |
General: Stagnant Make account e-mail address changeable 1 | |
UI: Completed Make conversations deletable 1 2 3 4 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant Make scopes fully variably zoomed Quality Of Life 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Make sort button group ammunition together Quality Of Life 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Make the character cry out in pain when using surgical kits without painkillers 1 | |
UI: Not Implemented Make the loading screen interactive (e.g crafts, stats, ..) 1 | |
Traders: Stagnant Make use of the "services" tab on Therapist for healing the PMC Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
Hideout: Stagnant Mark barter items as "Needed For Hideout" Quality Of Life 1 | |
General: Completed Meds and food consumption upon double click Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant MOLLE rigs/modular vests and components 1 | |
Servers: Stagnant More servers in South America 1 2 | |
Maps: Completed Mounted / stationary guns 1 2 3 4 5 6 | |
Sound: Completed Move to Steam Audio 1 2 | |
General: Not Implemented Multiple PMC profiles on one account 1 | |
Servers: Stagnant Network traffic optimization 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Completed New ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Completed New ammunition: 7.62x54mmR 1 | |
General: Completed New Boss (Kollontay) 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Completed New Boss on Streets of Tarkov (Kaban) 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Not Implemented New boss with booby traps 1 | |
Maps: Completed New Boss: Glukhar 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Completed New boss: Killa 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Completed New boss: Sanitar 1 2 | |
Maps: Completed New Boss: Shturman 1 2 3 4 5 | |
General: Stagnant New bountyhunter boss that hunts player with bad PMC karma 1 | |
Servers: Completed New culling system on "old" locations 1 2 3 4 5 | |
General: Not Implemented New esports season between Q2 2024 until the end of 2024 1 | |
General: Completed New game mode: Scav gameplay 1 2 3 4 | |
Maps: Completed New location (Ground Zero) 1 2 3 4 | |
Maps: Completed New map: Interchange 1 2 | |
Maps: Completed New map: Labs 1 2 | |
Maps: Not Implemented New map: Private Sector | |
Maps: Completed New Map: Reserve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | |
Maps: Completed New map: Shoreline 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Completed New map: Streets of Tarkov 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Stagnant New map: Suburbs 1 | |
Maps: Stagnant New map: Terminal 1 2 3 | |
Maps: Not Implemented New map: Town | |
General: Stagnant New Matchmaker 1 2 | |
General: Completed New player guides on Youtube 1 | |
General: Not Implemented New RUAF faction 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant New secure container: Omicron Secure Container 1 | |
Traders: Not Implemented New trader: Bashkir(?) 1 | |
Traders: Completed New trader: Jaeger 1 2 3 | |
Traders: Completed New trader: Peacemaker 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: (A)SVT-40 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: 9A-91 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: AK-12 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: AK-308 (6P70 Version) 1 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf 1 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: AM-17 and AMB-17 1 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: AN-94 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: ASh-12 1 2 3 4 5 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: Battle Arms Development Tanker 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: Beretta M9A3 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: CZ Bren 2 / CZ BREN 805 1 2 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: FN P90 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: Grenade Launcher 1 2 | |
Weapons: Broken New weapon: Groza 1 2 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: Heckler & Koch MP5/10 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: PKM 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: RPD 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: Sawed-off 1 2 3 4 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: SIG Spear 1 2 3 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: Å korpion vz. 61 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: Steyr AUG 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: SVD 1 2 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: SVU 1 | |
Weapons: Stagnant New weapon: UZI 1 | |
Weapons: Completed New weapon: VSK-94 1 2 3 | |
General: Broken No more wipes after release 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed No NFTs in Tarkov 1 | |
General: Completed Notify players about successfull player reports 1 2 | |
Sound: Completed Oculus Audio tweaks on Interchange and Lighthouse locations 1 2 3 4 5 | |
Mechanics: Completed Off-raid treatment and parameters recovery Quality Of Life 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed Open ETS to more players 1 | |
General: Stagnant Optimized rendering system for semi-transparent materials. 1 | |
General: Completed Optimizing RAM consumption, including elimination of possible memory leaks 1 2 3 4 | |
Traders: Completed Order Ragmans clothing options by level needed Quality Of Life 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Overdosing medical items 1 2 | |
General: Stagnant Overhaul Kappa 1 | |
Servers: Not Implemented Packet loss exploit will be fixed 1 | |
Traders: Completed Partial handover of quest items Quality Of Life 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Placable Mines and Tripwires 1 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented PMC karma 1 | |
General: Stagnant Prestige system 1 2 3 | |
General: Stagnant Pursue cheaters legally 1 2 | |
General: Not Implemented PvE mode will receive mod support 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Quest rebalance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | |
General: Not Implemented Quick buyers of The Unheard Edition (original upgrade price) will receive a $50 coupon 1 | |
Weapons: Completed Quick pistol transition / Sidearm quickswap Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 5 | |
General: Not Implemented Radios 1 | |
General: Stagnant Raid-End statistics 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Randomized loot containers 1 2 3 4 | |
Mechanics: Completed Randomized spawn system 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Rebalance of levels, skills and mastering 1 2 3 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented Recoil stats on attachments will be separated into horizontal and vertical 1 | |
General: Not Implemented Redo all visuals 1 | |
Servers: Completed Reducing the chance of encountering the desynchronization with the server 1 2 3 4 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Refill empty gas cans whilst in a raid 1 2 3 | |
General: Not Implemented Release an app 1 | |
General: Stagnant Release EFT on Steam 1 | |
General: Completed Release Escape From Tarkov: Arena 1 2 | |
General: Stagnant Release the game 1 2 | |
Maps: Stagnant Removal of map selection option whilst scavving 1 | |
General: Completed Remove "unneeded" info that only cheaters see from the client 1 | |
Traders: Completed Remove barter option from flea 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Remove item examination Quality Of Life 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Remove turn modifiers from equipment 1 | |
Traders: Stagnant Reorganize the currencies on the flea 1 | |
General: Stagnant Replay or review system Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
General: Stagnant Restrict name changes to streamers 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Rework bullet drop 1 | |
Weapons: Completed Rework of recoil mechanics of all weapon types 1 2 3 4 5 6 | |
Maps: Compromised Rework of sky on all locations 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Rework the in-game paper map plans 1 | |
Weapons: Stagnant SA-58 and MCX overhaul 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Scavs react to VOIP 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Selecting a body part to heal with a hotkey Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 5 | |
Traders: Completed Selling all Player Scav equipment to Fence Quality Of Life 1 2 3 4 | |
Maps: Completed Shoreline Rework (2023) 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant Sight reticle brightness adjustments Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
Weapons: Stagnant Signal pistols can use the SPEC slot Quality Of Life 1 | |
General: Completed Smoke grenades 1 2 3 | |
UI: Completed Sorting table in Scav transfer Quality Of Life 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Completed Split recoil into vertical and horizontal recoil 1 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Stackable barter items Quality Of Life 1 | |
General: Stagnant Start working on a new hacker detection methods 1 2 | |
Weapons: Stagnant Steyr AUG overhaul 1 | |
Mechanics: Compromised Stimulants. Addiction, overdose and side effects from medicines 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Not Implemented Streamer Challenge 2023 - Streamer Item 1 2 | |
Maps: Completed Streets of Tarkov expansion (second iteration) 1 2 | |
Maps: Completed Streets of Tarkov expansion (third iteration) 1 2 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented Summon a friend 1 | |
UI: Completed Support for 21:9 resolutions 1 2 3 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant Supressor durability, sound variations, subsonic ammunition 1 | |
General: Completed Surgical Kits 1 2 3 | |
General: Completed Temporal Anti Aliasing 1 2 3 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented The "Distress signal device" will be obtainable through quests 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented The "Legacy" device will be obtainable through quests 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented The "Mark of the Unhead" radio-electronic device will be obtainable through quests 1 | |
Mechanics: Not Implemented The "Mark of The Unhead" radio-electronic item will be active only in Pve modew 1 | |
General: Not Implemented The offline PvE mode will be purchasable as a DLC 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented The Unheard Edition owners will get a unique dogtag 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Not Implemented The Unheard Edition owners will get a unique set of clothing 1 | |
General: Not Implemented The Unheard Edition owners will get access to Arena 1 | |
General: Not Implemented The Unheard Edition will be able to change their name icon and color 1 | |
General: Broken There will be no microtransations. Just DLCs 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Broken There will be no offline PvE mode with progression 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Completed Time-consuming magazine loading 1 2 | |
Items/Attachments: Completed Toggling helmet flashlights 1 2 3 4 | |
General: Stagnant Transition to Unity 2021 in 2024 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Completed Troubleshooting/Malfunctions -- dealing with jamming, misalignment and misfires. Ammunition quality 1 2 3 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Tune/balance the reaction speed of bosses 1 | |
Hideout: Stagnant Turn in building materials even though not every requiment is met Quality Of Life 1 2 3 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant UBGL for Scar 1 | |
Items/Attachments: Completed Under-barrel grenade launchers 1 | |
General: Completed Unity 2018 Update 1 2 3 4 | |
UI: Completed Updated trading UI 1 2 3 4 | |
Mechanics: Stagnant Use consumables when they are on the ground 1 | |
UI: Stagnant User interface rework 1 2 | |
Hideout: Not Implemented Various new expansions to the hideout 1 | |
Mechanics: Completed Vaulting 1 2 3 4 5 6 | |
General: Completed Viewable Profiles 1 2 3 | |
Items/Attachments: Stagnant Visible slings for weapons 1 | |
Weapons: Completed Weapon animations when interacting with the cover 1 | |
General: Completed Weapon Presets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | |
Hideout: Completed Weapon Stand in the hideout 1 2 3 4 | |
Maps: Completed Weather based seasons 1 2 3 4 5 6 |