Is this anti BSG or anti Tarkov?

No. TarkovPromiseTracker aims to organize and showcase the expected game features and development promises. It approaches claims of progress with skepticism when they can't be verified or replicated in the current state. This skepticism is fueled by the common disconnect between what's presented in game trailers or demonstrations and the actual playable experience.

Who maintains this?

You! Please use the Submit button above. These short forms submit information to a small team of editors. We all have our own opinions; but while working on the tracker, we put on our agnostic hat and allow the company to succeed or fail by their own merit. We are not here to make anyone look good or bad. We organize information.

What counts as a promise?

Anything said or written that could reasonably or likely create an anticipation or expectation.

Examples will follow soon..


Completed Quite straightforward. Was the promise mostly fulfilled? Ideally, it's still operational or accessible.
Compromised Delivered to some extent, but falls short of the initial expectations outlined in the promise. Also includes things that were marked as done but got taken away or downgraded so much that they don't really count as done anymore. It's delivered, but the drop in quality from what was expected makes it questionable.
In Testing Ideally, customers should be able to use it now. The current version is starting to get some features working, but things shown on TarkovTV or promo videos might not count, and it's up to the editor to decide. TarkovPromiseTracker is cautious about internal builds because it's hard to tell if something is pre-rendered or staged without trying it ourselves.

Some promises are questioned because there's a 3D model for a feature. But we won't tag all promises as in testing just because there's an asset for them. For us, a feature needs to be at least 25% done and testable in the game to be considered.
Not Implemented This is the standard. Provide sources if there's reason to believe otherwise. Features showcased in trailers, promotional materials, TarkovTV, comments on social media and on the website that haven't been included in the downloadable game as of yet.
Stagnant We assign a date to each item, and if more than one year pass without any testable progress, the promise is automatically tagged as 'Stagnant.'
Broken It's up to the editors' judgment. We might mark an promise as "Broken" if there's enough agreement or evidence that it's been tarnished, ignored, indefinitely delayed, forgotten, or for any other reason suggesting it won't be delivered. If you have a source to challenge a promise labeled as "Broken", please submit it. Since Battlestate Gaming refers to all its products as works in progress, some disputes arise because a promise is still being worked on. We're open to relabeling items as they become accessible.